Sunday, July 17, 2011

SimCity - Just like real life

I'll be damned if I'm gonna let a bunch of imaginary people intimidate me from another world. No, I'm not crazy. Although I don't know what sane person plays SimCity for this long.

It started out with a few roads, residential areas and a power plant. Then it progressed into some stupid life lesson about making responsible decisions because our choices affect other people. Screw that.

I'm not afraid to burn all their little buildings to the ground. That's one thing high school taught me. I mean hypothetically.

Hypothetically, I wouldn't have felt the urge to set fire to my school if someone had just asked me to the Sadie Hawkins dance. There's your stupid life lesson.

I heard a friend joke about listening to the committee in his head. It's not funny considering my little committee just threatened to fuck up my car if I didn't repeal the parking ticket ordinance.

I wasn't really scared though. It's just a game and my grip on reality is rock solid. Besides, I got even when my Sims were using too much water, I neglected to build a water treatment plant for a couple hours. That's like 40 game years.

Rising to be ruler and sole chancellor of this pint sized empire didn't happen over night. My prior attempt was a tragedy.

I kept getting in debt taking out building loans and couldn't afford to repay them. Just like real life, I was soon overwhelmed with monthly payments. So I found a button that orders an air strike by laser shooting flying saucer peoples; just like real life.

There's countless parallels here. Life lessons in responsibility. It's knowing when to make the right decision instead of the popular one. It's knowing when you've made a mistake and not being afraid to commit horrible crimes to cover up the evidence by reducing it to Kilobytes of deleted rubble.

I've really grown a lot in the past 5 days. (that's like a 175 game years) I'm really much more adjusted. Sure I haven't left the house all week but I'm making the kind of decisions that will keep pollution down and the demand for commercial zones up for many game years to come.

Below is a photo I took of this mean ladies front yard. If I wasn't such a wise and benevolent leader, I'd have half a mind to delete her house right off the map. Just like real life.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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