Tuesday, May 10, 2011

This was Sunday School

How can someone be the same once they've seen a kid forced to put on diapers in front of 50 other children? This was Sunday school.

First thing in the morning, the pastor and his wife went over the rules and recruited an eager volunteer. Some kid would go up and have to bend over a chair. "and if you get caught twice for talking, this is what happens."

The pastor would bring the paddle down moderately to demonstrate. A slow motion whoopin. "Then you'll hug and all will be forgiven." his wife would say.

So one Sunday this kid in the front row had been caught talking during praise and worship. The song stopped and everyone was dead quiet. The pastor lead him up on stage and into an adjoining room.

"...And we all know what happens now." his wife said smugly. The music started and we all went on singing but from the room you could clearly hear a loud "WHACK.....WHACK!"

Singing gospel songs to the beat of some kid getting paddled had to be one of the weirdest things ever. ...and people wonder why I'm so warped.

P.S. -- yes this really happened, why does everyone always ask that?

- Posted using BlogPress via iPod touch


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