Saturday, May 12, 2012

Pocket Rats

So Carmen brought her friends nice little dog home a few weeks ago. In the world of single women, this little thing was the perfect augmentation: Cute, non threatening, needy and subservient.

I personally think chauvinistic men and rapists are reincarnated as these dogs, doomed to a life as animals broken of all instincts and entirely dependent to their women masters.

Carmen thought it would be nice to take him for one night as she's always gushing over purse sized little dogs unfit for the wild. So I knelt down to pet the little guy and he rolled over playfully, inviting me to rub his tummy. Right as I did he let out a screeching "YIPE".

"What did you do?!" Carmen asked. "Oh my god nothing!" I exclaimed looking over to see the dog fake limping away as if it's leg was broken. "How could you?" she yelled rushing over to smother the thing in affection. "I didn't do anything! That stupid thing is faking it!" But she didn't believe me.

Carmen left to do errands and the dog came up on the couch and laid in my lap until she got home. I was petting it gently as she was taking off her coat and purse in the bedroom when it suddenly YIPED again and bolted for her room. "Awe did he hurt you again?" she said cradling it in her arms like an infant. "I didn't do anything!" I was about ready to snap the neck of this little con artist.

The whole night it slept in her bed waking up every 15 minutes to bark like crazy because some leaves rustled outside or I opened a drawer in the kitchen. Each time Carmen awoke and comforted it back to sleep. See that's what these little dogs do. They bark like crazy at the slightest thing as if they run a tight ship but then hide under chairs when approached.

By 4am Carmen's comforting "that's ok" had turned into a more appropriate "God dammit dog!" By morning she was exhausted and sleep deprived. I came into the bedroom and picked up the little thing. "Let me show you something."

I began petting the dog. "YIPE" it screeched but I didn't let go. Holding it securely, I was petting now in a more soothing manner. "YIPE" it screeched again trying to jump for Carmen. "See?" I said. I gently put him down and he jumped up on the bed into Carmen's lap fake limping like his leg was broken.

"I can't stand this thing" Carmen said and drove it home.

--Here are some pictures I took working my sweet new job in downtown.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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